Fly Fly Fly
Since the beginning of time, humans have had a fascination with flying. The desire to soar like a bird, travel faster, and other things have spurred us on to constantly evolve the idea of flying. Throughout history, virtually every era had its own unique ideas on what would make flight possible. An aircraft museum is the only place you will ever go to get a true sense of how far we have come. Are you ready to take a tour to see what you can learn about history?
Ancient History of Flight
It is rumored that the first self-propelled, bird-shaped was designed and built in 400 BC in Greece, by Archytas. He was among many things, a scientist at the Pythagorean school and is most famous for being reputed as the founder of mathematical mechanics. He was also a good friend of Plato, another philosopher, among many things.
As time progressed further, gliders became something people tried to master. The earliest recorded attempts at this were from the 9th-century and again in the 11th-century. Both instances resulted in the piolet being injured. It is also said that Leonardo da Vinci researched birds along with their wings to come up with a man-powered aircraft in 1502 in his “Codex on the Flight of Birds”.
By the year 1850, steam-powered gliders were possible and in 1853, George Cayley built a successful, passenger glider. It became powered in 1856 by Jean-Marie Le Bris. It was pulled by a horse on a beach. Ideas were being improved upon until finally, the Wright brothers flight took place in 1903. It set in motion another plane in 1905, the Wright Flyer III. This plane was controllable and able to fly for longer time frames.
More Recent Aviation
The 1900s saw technology and airplane meeting as one. By 1910, aircrafts were jet-propelled and crossing the English Channel. A few years later, during World War I, planes were crossing the ocean. By the 1960s, we had Boeing 707s.
The aircraft that has come since then have been lighter, faster, and even capable of going into outer space. In 2010, there was even a 24-hour long flight that used only solar panels and electricity to stay in the air.
Explore Aeronautics
The history of flight has been a long one. As time progresses, we may make even more forward progress on changing the way we fly. This is why so many people love touring aircraft museums. They can see how far we have come. A flight museum will give you a true sense of what life was like during certain times in our history. You can see the old bombers, the old-style bi-plains, and so much more. Military jets and passenger planes may also be seen at these museums. Are you ready to tour one that is in your area?